I thought we would start with a short simplistic poetic form. A Haiku.
Life is really simple,
But we insist on making
it complicated.
- Confucius

What is a Haiku? The Academy of American Poets asserts, "As the form evolved, many of these rules - including the 5-7-5 practice - have routinely been broken. However, the philosophy of haiku has been preserved: the focus on a brief moment in time; a use of provocative, colorful images; an ability to be read in one breath; and a sense of sudden enlightenment and illumination."
Other things to note is that Haiku's often a celebrate nature. For all you Insta-poets out there I know rhyming isn't always your thing, and your in luck, haiku's do not rhyme at all. They do, however, still have poetic elements like the repetition of words or sounds. Here is another example from the famous, Matsuo Basho's.
An old silent pond,
A frog jumps into the pond,
splash! Silence again.
Have a go at one and send me it! I would love to read it or even share it with others in Instagram. Have a glorious day my little lemon drop.
Hi, it is Jacques here from another account. That is great! I lovit.
My arms await,
your loving embrace. Pit! pat!
My heart begins to race.
how's that?